Sunday, August 5, 2012


Some of you may have noticed, I have quite a lot of feels for One Piece's Usopp. As such, I have decided to elaborate somewhat on exactly what that means...

Character Synopsis:
Usopp is typically seen as the weak, gonk-y goof of the Strawhat Crew by the general One Piece fanbase. However, it is commonly overlooked that Usopp only appears to be weak due to the contrast between him and members such as the Monster Trio (Usopp can take out multiple Marines at once with his improbable aiming skills--Marines who have been dutifully trained and are considered to be somewhat above the human average). While it is true that Usopp is a much appreciated source of comedic relief (especially now that each new arc has increasingly more dark/mature undertones as opposed to the light-hearted early arcs), his position is not limited to spontaneous acts of slapstick or witty remarks (think Sokka, not Bolin). In his early characterization in the series, Usopp certainly lies and runs away for the majority of the time, but his lies are often used to buy time during altercations by distracting or tricking opponents into falling for various traps and the fact Usopp actually has to run away and even fights better from a distance, being that his fighting style is through long-ranged weaponry, must be noted. Consistently throughout the series, we also see exactly how intelligent and quick-witted Usopp really is through the various strategies and contraptions that he generates (especially during dire situations where undue stress would break the concentration of any normal person). Those who believe that Usopp is weak, whether in body or convictions, really ought to take another look at, well, all of his battles. Most laud the Monster Trio for their bravery, but they're actually not being brave because they never had any fear to overcome in the first place. True bravery is standing and fighting even if you're shaken to your boots. Even if he has ever mused the idea of running away from a fight, Usopp has always returned to finish what he started, even if it means adding to the pain that he knows he will receive (how many of you wouldn't run from the enemies of One Piece? Really.) While I am on the subject of Usopp's fights, have no naysayers ever noticed the extreme amount of battle damage that Usopp can sustain, often appearing moderately unharmed after taking attacks that would probably kill or at least horribly maim ordinary people? This man is the epitome of "Bad*** Normal" (and appears to have bypassed umpteenth levels of awesomeness after the time skip)! As for his looks....well, I can't really convince people that he looks positively smashing (being a lithe, raven-haired harbinger of swoon before the time skip and a hunk of burnin' love later), but perhaps some may be swayed through the series' art evolution.

Point of No Return:
Up until Water 7/Enies Lobby, I hadn't really given much thought to Usopp. He was just...there, for better or worse. However, my thoughts drastically changed after watching his fight with Luffy. After being beaten to the brink of death twice by the Franky Family (the second time he actually sought out the perpetrators) and made to feel overall unfit to belong to the crew of the future Pirate King as well as knowing for some time that the precious keepsake from his home island (Syrup Island) was on its last leg, the imminent disposal of the Going Merry was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Usopp's decision to resolve the fate of Merry through a fight with Luffy was heartbreaking as I saw the tolls on both sides being taken. When the battle was finally underway, (through my tears, haha) I was tremendously impressed by Usopp's valor and use of, you guessed it, battle strategies and evolved techniques to basically run Luffy into a corner. Something fascinating I observed during the fight was that Usopp's concentration on the battle seemed unshakable, while Luffy was fighting both him and an internal battle (a further testament to Usopp's mental fortitude). Do I believe that Usopp could have beaten Luffy had he not suffered such grievous injuries beforehand? Yes. Yes, I do. From that battle onwards, Usopp just kept taking up levels in flipping awesomeness and my fanism exploded. *Note: the best animation of the entire series so far occurred during the Water 7/Enies Lobby arc*

Usopp and shipping go together as well as hawaiian bread and hot chocolate, mostly because 50% of the male half of the crew is oblivious to romance while the other 50% consists of perverts. Several scenes have shown that Usopp indeed has an interest in the opposite sex, but he remains sensitive and doesn't chase panties, unlike some people COUGH COUGH.

Usopp and Nami have always been shown bonding more than other members of the crew, often through their shared feelings of ineptitude. With their bond of being the only "normal" members of the crew, Usopp and Nami also frequently share the task of preventing their adventures from dissolving into pure chaos due to a lack of overall common sense from the crew's more boisterous members (and though they both prefer "flight" to "fight," their courage in battle is top notch). A running gag in the OP-Shipverse is that Nami likes to go shopping with Usopp, often saddling him with the cumbersome task of carrying her many packages. I personally find that Nami and Usopp make a great pair (romantically or otherwise) because they help each other grow and compliment each other: Nami keeps Usopp's (often egotistical) lies from corrupting his personality while subtly acknowledging his strengths (like his inventing skills). Usopp, in turn, tries to keep a cap on Nami's money-driven obsession and tends to bring out a softer side in her. Also, Usopp has seen Nami naked at least twice MUAHAHAHAHA!
Have a perfect video: (and be sure to listen to the lyrics carefully to fully understand it)

Yes, yes, I know: Usopp isn't gay. OR IS HE??! It's either my shipping goggles, or my shipping goggles, but maybe Usopp is bisexual. Little instances of Usopp's original factory being in the kitchen (implicationssss), or Sanji saving Usopp from Enel (implicationsssssss), or Sanji fighting over Usopp's sniper goggles in Alabasta (implicationsssssssssss), or Usopp being depressed that Nami wasn't Sanji in the latest arc (implicationssssssssssssss), or just the speech Sanji gave to Usopp in Enies Lobby (IM.PLI.CA.TIONS.) (there are a lot more perceived "moments," but I'm not going to list them all). To summarize: Sanji and Usopp seem to have a certain degree of understanding between one another and are two of the top rankers of the emotional breadth within the crew.
Have another perfect video:

I am an anti-Usoka shipper. Yes, he was friends with her for a year (he hasn't seen her for two years now), but I don't believe in that "guys and girls can't just be friends" nonsense. With Kaya being ill for so long, I believe that Usopp was her only friend and that she clung to him out of need for a friend who was her age. Do I want Kaya to die a lonely spinster? NO, of course not! I hope she finds happiness of her own. Actually, the two-year "out of sight, out of mind" factor aside, if Kaya and Usopp met up again she may not be able to accept Usopp's growth. When Usopp acted differently than she was used to during the Kuro Arc, she outright rejected him--and after two years of trials and tribulations Usopp would be unrecognizable to her. Even if Kaya did happen to accept Usopp in his entirety, honestly, who can say that UsoKa wouldn't be boring? Usopp would return to Syrup Island a brave warrior of the sea, eyes full of adventure, forevermore with Kaya constantly stroking his ego. I Additionally, as my good friend KK-sis so eloquently pointed out, "I think when Usopp first left with Luffy and Zoro and Nami he really planned on coming back to Kaya, but I think the longer he travels with the Straw Hats the more he realizes that they're really in two different worlds. Usopp feels the call of the sea and I don't think he's going to come back for Kaya only to do to her what Yasopp did to Banchina..."

Usopp Video Time:
*Usopp's iPod: Tidal Wave, You're gonna go far kid, Zero to Hero*

OP Videos:

**I'll probably update this whenever I remember something I forgot to mention**