Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Bugs, bugs, everywhere!
Bugs flying in the air,
Bugs flying in your hair,
Bugs flying in your underwear!

There are bugs outdoors,
They're traipsing upon the floors!

Buzzing near your ear,
Creating new fear;
A mantis in the chair,
Will surely raise some hair!
Always cover every orifice,
For a mouth is no bug office!

There are bugs in the house;
There's one as big as a mouse!

Creeping up the walls,
On your bed it falls;
I wish for but a single night,
With nary a spider in sight!
The cricket's nightly song,
To my tired ears is like a gong!

Bugs, bugs, everywhere!
Oh, please, I say--no more!
And---ACK, there's one stuck to my door!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Rain

Earth-bound teardrops fall
Upon the grey concrete floor
I dream of blue skies

Are you a good friend?

Try out my quiz and find out! (Warning: there is no middle ground because I was too lazy.)

1) You're hanging out with a friend when suddenly....she vomits on you. You say:
a. "Ewwww!"
b. "These were my best pants!"
c. "Are you okay?!!"

2) Your friend, knowing that you'll be getting a car soon, has selected from a car magazine several cars that she thinks you'd like. You say:
a. "You must not know me as well as you thought you did."
b. "Thanks, but your tastes aren't so stellar."
c. "Sweet, thanks!"

3) Your friend calls, frantic over finding an abandoned kitten, but today was supposed to be the day that you and her reunite with a friend that moved to a different school! You:
a. Tell her to leave it because it'll probably die anyway.
b. Give her leave to abandon the plans you worked so hard to mold.
c. Rush to her house with the friend in tow, then you all take the kitten to the humane center to find out if it'll be okay.

4) Your friend has recently been embroiled in a hideous cat-fight with a mutual friend who betrayed her. She's been itching to rant to you about her side of the story, and you:
a. Brush her off. Such an unrealistic story can't possibly be true!
b. Catch a few words of her tirade, but you're mostly thinking about other things.
c. Listen to her account of the incident.

5) An event is coming up that you're interested in, but your friend is not. You don't want to go alone, so you:
a. Drag her along anyway.
b. Whine about how alone you'll be until she grudgingly gives in.
c. Tag along with your older sister.

6) You're both hanging out by your pool, and there's one slice of pizza left. You:
a. Snatch it before she does. Hey, it was your parents who paid for it!
b. Tell her that she could stand to skip a slice.
c. Cut it in half so you can share.

7) Your friend never lets you or any other friend come over to her house. You:
a. Show up unexpectedly and force your way in when she answers the door.
b. Barrage her with complaints about always having to use your house until she relents.
c. Respect her wishes and never ask to meet at her house.

8) Your friends are all volunteering at a summer camp, but you'll be staying home. You:
a. Are glad to have a whole month free for some much needed quality time with Number One.
b. Get angry with them for not talking to you about it earlier.
c. Eagerly await their return.

9) A friend constantly tells blatant lies to you and anyone else within earshot. You:
a. Call her out on this tomfoolery. As if anyone could actually swallow such exaggerations!
b. Subtly make your escape whenever she begins to slip into another tall tale.
c. Humor her and defend her against any naysayers.

10) You get a 96% on an absurdly hard Mythology test, but your friend won't show you her grade. You:
a. Rip the test from her hands and take a peek for yourself.
b. Sneak a peek at her test while she's otherwise distracted.
c. Sense her discomfort and steer the conversation to safer topics.

If you got-
Mostly A's: You're a horrible person and karmic justice awaits you.
Mostly B's: Don't be so freaking self-centered!
Mostly C's: Congratulations, you're a BEST friend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The days have gone by quickly;
It's already noon.
My summer is slipping away,
but it seems just too soon!

I don't want to do my summer English reading
for within my soul is bleeding.
I don't want to work for my driver's permit;
I'd rather be a hermit!

As the idle summer days slip by,
it makes me want to cry:
Please stay, summer, for school is such a bore!
Please stay, summer, for school is such a chore!

Another day, another dawn.
Where has my summer gone?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Anime Expo 2012 Haul

Yay, pins galore!

I shall wear this to next year's Anime Expo.

*Back of shirt*

I've always wanted to buy e1n's WAITT.

I shall also wear this hair scrunchie to next year's Expo.