Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Bugs, bugs, everywhere!
Bugs flying in the air,
Bugs flying in your hair,
Bugs flying in your underwear!

There are bugs outdoors,
They're traipsing upon the floors!

Buzzing near your ear,
Creating new fear;
A mantis in the chair,
Will surely raise some hair!
Always cover every orifice,
For a mouth is no bug office!

There are bugs in the house;
There's one as big as a mouse!

Creeping up the walls,
On your bed it falls;
I wish for but a single night,
With nary a spider in sight!
The cricket's nightly song,
To my tired ears is like a gong!

Bugs, bugs, everywhere!
Oh, please, I say--no more!
And---ACK, there's one stuck to my door!

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